Drew Kelly

San Francisco, 14 avril 2010 © Drew Kelly

San Francisco, 14 avril 2010 © Drew Kelly

Drew Kelly
est né à Berkeley, en Californie en 1979. Après avoir étudié l’édition, il découvre la photographie lors de sa dernière année d’université. Californien d’origine, Drew a passé sa vie a exploré l’ouest américain. Un grand ouest aux vastes paysages en perpétuel développement, qui a profondément influencé son travail. Drew Kelly vit à Oakland, États-Unis.

Drew Kelly was born in Berkeley, California in 1979. He studied print and publishing at university but discovered photography in his last year. A lifelong resident of California, Drew has spent his life living in and exploring the American West. The vast western landscapes, with its ceaseless development, heavily influence his work. Drew currently lives in Oakland, United States.